3 years agoUpdatePLNX: updated due to API changes on the exchange. Attention: previously entered PLNX keys on the "Connections" page must be re-entered.
3 years agoUpdateWhen placing adjustment orders, additional checks have been added to equalize the balance so that adjustment orders are placed no more than 1 time per minute for each quad pair.
3 years agoFixedFixed an error where sometimes updated data on weighted average session prices were not sent to the Arbinox server for some exchanges (for example, BTHB).
3 years agoFixedBYBT: Added time synchronization error handling with the Bybit server.
3 years agoAdd Added exchange support ftx.com
3 years agoFixedFixed a bug where the bot "hung up" at the time of clearing the order cache.
3 years agoUpdate Optimized the response rate from the bot during the deletion of a slot for which the session has not yet been opened.
3 years agoFixedAt the close of the session, if there is not enough balance on the exchange where the purchase part of the transaction was carried out for some reason, then the sale part will still be carried out, but only on the existing balance (previously the sale part fell into error, and the whole session "hung up").
3 years agoUpdateBTFX: due to restrictions on the number of API requests, the bot monitors the frequency of requests sent. If this frequency becomes more frequent than 1 time per second, then the bot blocks its activity with the exchange before sending the next request, but not for more than 0.5 seconds.
3 years agoUpdateBTFX: when sending a request to the exchange and receiving a message from it {"message":"your request Too Fast,...,"success":false,"code":"10204"}, a repeated call of the same API method is sent to the exchange after 2 seconds.
3 years agoAddBTFX: added processing of messages from the exchange
3 years agoUpdateupdates in the trading algorithm
3 years agoAddAdded support for the 1INCH cryptocurrency and all other currencies with a 5-digit name. Attention: at the moment, there is no 1INCH trading on the following exchanges via the API: BTRX, BITF, DGFX, HOBI.
3 years agoFixed BTFX: fixed an error that could manifest itself in incorrect processing of executed order data.
3 years agoAddOKEX: added output to the log of additional messages in connection with an unresolved situation when, for several days, under the same conditions (the same currency and volume), orders were accepted by the exchange in some cases, and in others, all information about them disappeared.
3 years agoAddOKEX: added support for DOT and SOL cryptocurrencies.
3 years agoAddBybit: An additional condition has been added to perform the procedure for checking the imbalance of quad pairs due to the fact that there was a situation in which the exchange did not return a response for more than 1.5 minutes during the placement of the order.
3 years agoAddAdded a detailed log of actions that occur from the moment the signal is received to the opening of the session on both exchanges.
3 years agoUpdateSome "bottlenecks" have been changed during the opening of the session during signal processing in order to increase performance.
3 years agoAddHuobi: added handling of the "account-frozen-account-inexistent-error" error that comes from the exchange.
3 years agoFixedBittrex: fixed an error that occurs when deleting an order that was not executed for a certain time (about 1 minute), which led to the fact that this order was processed later when the bot already "considered" this order canceled.
3 years agoUpdateBittrex: The secret key from the API is encrypted in RAM. Attention: previously entered BTRX keys on the "Connections" page must be entered again!
3 years agoFixed Huobi: fixed an error in which, due to a lack of balance after the loan was executed (borrow), two sell orders of the same volume were placed at once instead of one.
3 years agoUpdateBNNC: when placing an order, the value of the timeInForce parameter has been changed from IOC to GTC.
3 years agoFixedBTHB: fixed an error when placing the BTHB_xxxx-BTC_USDT slot, in which the value 0.001 BTC was taken as the minimum volume. Now the correctness of the volume is checked with the filters provided by the exchange.
3 years agoUpdateOKEX: trading has been redesigned to use a cross-account.
4 years agoAddAdded Bybit support.
4 years agoAddOKEX: added support for TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2 protocols (relevant for Windows Server 2019)
4 years agoFixedFixed a bug when, after entering new keys on the "Connections" page, the message "Bad Data" appeared and the keys should have been re-entered. This bug appeared on the exchanges, such as Huobi and OKEX, whose secret keys are encrypted in RAM in order to protect against possible scanning by viruses.
Attention! This doesn't apply to the case of installing new versions of the bot, when the keys must be re-entered (for Huobi - verison 2.4.1 and earlier, for OKEX - version 2.5.1 and earlier)
4 years agoAddBinance: API secret key is encrypted in RAM. Attention! Previously entered BNNC keys on the 'Connections' page must be re-entered.
4 years agoUpdateBinance: free balances are transferred as netAsset, i.e. free - borrowed - interest. Thus, free balances for individual currencies can have negative values.
4 years agoUpdateAfter successful execution of forced deletion (not to be confused with forced closure), the cache of orders for this quadropair is also automatically cleared in order not to leave "pennies". Thus, if the user uses again this quadropair in the future, he will start from 0 on both exchanges. In case of forced closure, the remaining "pennies" will be taken into account when placing new orders, i.e., for example, with a balance of 0.0001, which cannot be closed, a new order will be placed not at 0.1 (custom volume), but at 0.1 - 0.0001 = 0.9999.
4 years agoFixedFixed a situation, when after clicking on [Retrieve] button on the logs page, the Arbibot hangs for a long time.
4 years agoFixedBalances from the exchanges are polled in the following cases:
1. When starting the bot (for all exchanges)
2. After the restoring the connection with backend, in case it was broken (for all exchanges)
3. After receiving a signal from specific exchange about changing of the balance (for this exchange only)
4. After order is executed (for this exchange only)
5. One time in 10 hours (for all exchanges)
However, it was possible that after the user cleared the cache of orders for all quadropairs in the bot, the periodic polling (nr. 5) stopped until the first execution of the next order. Thus, in the absence of conditions nr. 1 - 4, this could lead to the fact that the balances are not polled for a long time. The defect has been fixed.
4 years agoFixedHuobi: fixed a bug with inability to determine the balance after changing connection key because of its expiration.
4 years agoUpdateBithumb: updated the Ping-Pong scheme based algorithm for sending and receiving messages. Stabilized connection to the exchange.
4 years agoUpdateOKEX: API updated to v5. Attention! Previously entered OKEX keys on the 'Connections' page must be re-entered.
4 years agoAddHuobi: added methods for borrowings and repays.
4 years agoAddHuobi: API secret key is cryptid in RAM in order to protect it from virus scanning. Notice: previously introduced Huobi keys need to be re-entered.
4 years agoFixedFixed a bug with mouse cursor disappearing.
4 years agoAddPoloniex: added handling of the situation when the message "Nonce must be greater than ..." is returned.
4 years agoAddAdded Bithumb support.
4 years agoFixedBitfinex: fixed a bug with balances, in which one of the currencies balance was reset to zero, but the corresponding message was not received via the WebSocket.
4 years agoUpdateHuobi: trading process moved to margin account.
4 years agoAddAdded Digifinex support.
4 years agoUpdateEven if there are no changes in the balances for any exchanges, their current state is sent to the backend at least 2 times a day. This condition is met only for exchanges with the "Connected" status.
4 years agoFixedBitfinex: fixed a bug when closing sessions with a DASH_USD pair (i.e. when buying it on BITF).
4 years agoFixedPoloniex: fixed an issue when a request to cancel an order might not be executed if the system time was adjusted towards decreasing it that led to a response from the exchange "Nonce must be greater than...".
4 years agoUpdateChanged the distribution installer, added support for selecting a directory for executable files.
4 years agoUpdatePoloniex: the minimum amount of "small change", that can remain after the execution of orders and at which the session is considered closed, has been increased from 0.2 USD to 1.0 USD.
4 years agoUpdateBittrex: upgraded to the 3 version of the API.
4 years agoAddBitfinex: added DASH support.
4 years agoFixedPoloniex: fixed a bug that made it impossible to close open session on the signal.
4 years agoFixedFixed a bug that could lead to incorrect display of the "Insufficient funds" message if the session was already opened.
4 years agoFixedFixed a bug in calculating "% PL" (previously the coefficient was displayed instead of %).
4 years agoAddPoloniex: added XLM support.
4 years agoFixedPoloniex: fixed a bug that appeared when an unsuccessful attempt to sell a previously purchased volume was made and commissions were incorrectly determined during the opening of a session (purchases).
4 years agoUpdatePoloniex: optimized methods for working with both API and web socket.
4 years agoFixedBitfinex: If an error occurs when calling the API method (v2/auth/r/info/margin/{SYMBOL}) to determine if the balance in the wallet is sufficient to make a sale, this procedure is duplicated by processing a similar message via a web socket.
4 years agoFixedBitfinex: Previously, "Connected" status would change to "Online" after receiving a "ws" message over a web socket. Appeared a situation in which this message does not come or the bot skips it for some reason(this message, in fact, is sent once immediately after authorization on the exchange), now the message "wu", which is sent constantly, is also used to determine the status.
4 years agoFixedBitfinex: When receiving the codes 20051, 20060, 20061 (Maintenance) via the web socket, the bot closes the connection to the exchange and tries to connect again within 1 minute.
5 years agoAddAdded handling of "System is under maintenance" message from Binance.
5 years agoFixedFixed a bug when closing open positions on Bitfinex.
5 years agoAddDeveloped a procedure for archiving logs for a certain period.
5 years agoFixedFixed a bug when receiving spreads in a new format.