This situation occurred in January 2022 for the period of the entire month for QP: BTFX-BNNC \ SOL-USDT had 43 full-fledged trades, this QP had very strong and active volatility, which made it possible to make two or more trades per day on average. The range of opening and closing levels varied (Open: – 2%, Close: 1.8%).
This situation occurred in January 2022 for the period of the entire month for QP: BTFX-BNNC \ SOL-USDT had 43 full-fledged trades, this QP had very strong and active volatility, which made it possible to make two or more trades per day on average. The range of opening and closing levels varied (Open: – 2%, Close: 1.8%).
After that, this pair in the last month showed a slow narrowing of the spread volatility. This situation shows us about the seasonal expansion and contraction of spread across different assets. Arbinox gives us the ability to analyze historical data on spread charts and look for such anomalies to realize the same results as this example.
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Max Tabre Use Cases Read 5min
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